
Posts Tagged ‘Christmas’

Our last minute Christmas shopping took place in Chester with one of Stuart’s friends and his mum, luckily Stuart was able to catch up with another of his friends in his lunch break and I was also able to catch up with one of my best friends while we were there 🙂 As a result I was very happy, I also met his other half who is lovely and gorgeous! During our wander round Chester, while Stuart and co were buying presents for me, we had a good chat and I’m very proud that he’s pulled himself together and is finally happy because he deserves to be.

In the run up to Christmas we were entirely neutral and come Christmas day there was no change despite a nice night out on Christmas eve with our friends. We didn’t get to bed ’til about 3am if not later and had to be at Stuart’s parents for 7am so we were both shattered which didn’t help and I was missing my Dad more than usual this Christmas, although I have no idea why. Christmas day was, of course, followed by Boxing day which Stuart, his brother and I spent firstly shopping in Cheshire Oaks and then at his Nan’s, despite her being on holiday! We got to play on the wii with his cousins and also playing monopoly with one of the kids, she’s only 8 so hadn’t quite got the hang of business, despite that fact she did actually beat us!

This leads us to today which has been fabulous! We went to the 1st birthday of our friend’s child and it was great, he is such a little charmer and so beautiful. It was good to catch up with his parents too because we hadn’t seen them since their wedding over a year ago and therefore had only seen baby Ethan as a bump! On the return home Stuart picked up two of his friends to play on Rock Band, which he got for Christmas along with Guitar Hero Metallica and Beatles Rock Band, and they have now been happily occupied for a good 5 hours “rocking out”! Sadly they have made me promise not to put videos of them up, but it has been very amusing! All in all a fantastic day! 😀

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Firstly a brief catch up on what’s been going on since my last post: Stuart and I spent a lovely day with one of His best friends last weekend, we went up to Stoke and did some shopping and had a very interesting discussion over a very delicious pizza hut! Sadly she lives in Wales so we don’t get to see her often, but it’s fabulous when we do 😀
We also popped up to Ellesmere Port to see His cousins and Nan, it was great to see the kids as it’s been about 6 months since we last saw them and they’re such fantastic kids. We took the eldest shopping and got something to eat and had a good chat with her about all things teenage! She was thrilled when I asked her to be a bridesmaid and is so excited that we’re going to be related! 😀 Stuart is in her bad books at the moment for not telling her that we were engaged! lol! We also spent an hour or so with the two younger kids playing the lesser known version of rock, paper, scissors: snot, tissue, sandwiches! We also learnt that you can moore a boat with a bull’s penis stuffed with brain – don’t knock what an 8 year old can teach you!
We intended to see Stuart’s Grandma as well but He’s still ill so we thought we’d best not pop in in case she catches it. Hopefully we will be seeing her on Christmas day though.

This week I had my hair cut for the first time in 4 months, I was thrilled, my head is now so much lighter it’s fantastic! We also finally managed to find a dress, we bought it online! It came very quickly though and I have tried it on and it’s gorgeous, fingers crossed I will look stunning on New Years Eve.
On Friday we went to a friend of mine’s flat warming, despite her having moved in several months ago! We had a good time though playing on the pool table that her other half is keeping in the middle of her lounge! It was good to see her again as we haven’t seen her in almost a year so we had a catch up and an interesting, if slightly inappropriate, night!

When it comes to Christmas neither of us are in the festive spirit despite our best efforts: we bought a tree and decorated it, we wrote cards, we decorated the house, we bought and wrapped the presents, we listened to festive songs, but we’ve still got nuthin’. This year has been manic, especially this past month, and tomorrow Stuart, despite still being poorly, is being dragged to France despite the massive delays, failing eurotunnel trains and treacherous driving conditions on both sides of the channel. As a result Stuart will miss Yule, which is tomorrow, and won’t be back until late Christmas eve meaning he may also miss the Christmas eve celebrations with our friends. I’m just hoping that He won’t be stranded in France and unable to get back for Christmas day.
I plan to do some thinking while He’s away.

In a fortunate turn of events, a Yule miracle perhaps, Stuart is home for the run up to Christmas, and therefore for Yule today! 😀 I am thrilled!
Happy Yule to anyone celebrating, I hope you have more plans than I do!

Blessed Be!

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Decisions Decisions

The Wedding planning continues. Having booked the Church on Wednesday we have been viewing the short list of reception venues; Crewe Hall and Wrenbury Hall, having pretty much decided on Wrenbury Hall we found out that they were already booked on our date 😦 Super bad times. It was all just going too smoothly!
We are now trying to decide which is more important; the date or the venue. The 21st April happens to fall on a new moon which is mainly why I wanted it and sadly it is the only new moon that falls on a Saturday in 2012. We have pondered bringing it forward to 2011 but Wrenbury is booked up through 2011 already so  that’s pretty much out. At the moment the only solution I can think of is that we get married the week before and have a Wiccan blessing or handfasting on the 21st. I will be running said idea past Stuart tonight and we shall see.

On the bright side, we have sorted the cake. A lovely local lady is making it for us, she will be sending us the design and confirming the price in the next week or so, how exciting! Once we have the date sorted we can put a deposit down on the cake and that will be one less thing to worry about!

Christmas planning has taken a back seat this year due to Stuart and I being so busy with Wedding planning and Stuart working. We only picked up a tree yesterday and haven’t decorated it, or the house, yet, hopefully we’ll get round to that tonight or tomorrow. We still have Christmas shopping to do and cards to deliver and only 2 weeks ’til Christmas! So much to do, I’m not used to this last minute panic!

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Well seeing as the uni situation didn’t work out I’m now in the market for a job. However said job needs to be somewhere small and preferably in Nantwich, so it could be interesting! Fingers crossed though! I’ve started picking someone’s brain about the care industry and am going to pop into the Lady Verdin Trust next week to see if they have any jobs going.

Talking of searching, I’m also house hunting for somewhere for Stuart and I to live in the new year. We still don’t know if we’ll even be in the UK for much longer so that makes it more difficult! Who knew life could get so complicated? I’m hoping that we’ll get to spend Christmas in the house we’re in at the moment though so that we can have a proper Christmas in our own home and say goodbye. I’m so soft and sentimental!

On the plus side, my parents have left the building! Life is quiet again and less stressful again, thank the Goddess! They went on their merry way a couple of hours ago, sadly they took my babies with them 😦 so there are no lovely doggies in the house any more, but off they went with their new caravan to Poole and then on to France. I think they’re visiting people on the way to the ferry on Monday. Hopefully I won’t be seeing them again for a long time.
Also, I need an iPod nano for my Mum’s birthday/Christmas present. I keep being outbid on ebay 😦

Also, in my usual over expectant and princessy way I have done an amazon wish list to give people ideas for Christmas presents! The link is on the left so feel free to browse and buy me stuff, how cheeky am I?! It was not entirely my idea, Weewifie whom I follow on twitter (she blogs too) did one and said it was great fun, which it was!

And RIP Steven Gately, I am a huge Boyzone fan and have been since I was a kid and I always loved him. Thoughts are with his Husband, family, friends and the rest of the group, he seemed like the nicest man in the world. Oh, and Jan Moir, shut the f**k up you evil cow.

In telly news, I am loving season 5 of Supernatural so far, seasons 2 and 4 are my favourites so far but it may be a contender! Also really enjoying True Blood which looks like it’s going to be an excellent series, and not just for the fantastic sex scenes! I’m not so hooked on Flash Forward as the rest of the UK seems to be but it’s not bad! Of course, I am hooked on X factor, despite the lack of talent this year! My money is on one of the over’s to win, mainly because they’re the talented ones! I really wish that they could have not put through any of the groups and all the over’s, that would have been much fairer. I was really chuffed to see Robbie back on stage, even if he did look like a deer caught in the headlights, his performance was fantastic although I don’t like the song. This week I really hope Cheryl Cole sings live because I think it’s disgusting that anyone is allowed to mime, if you can’t sing live then you shouldn’t do it at all.

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